Meeting of the Ambassador of the Czech Republic with representatives of Czech Dutch Chamber of Commerce and several companies

On 13 December 2016 Jana Reinisova, Ambassador of the Czech Republic in The Hague met representatives of the Czech Dutch Chamber of Commerce (CDCC), Czech Trade and several companies including some members of the CDCC, Taxperience, Fort Advocaten and Unicorn Systems.

The Ambassador opened the meeting and shared some highlights of the past year as well as plans of the Embassy in the field of economic diplomacy for the coming year.

CDCC’s Board members Vladimira Chyska and Katerina Veliskova presented to the group plans of the Chamber for 2017. The activities of the Chamber will include a number of networking events, topical seminars with subject matter experts, a golf tournament and several events with partnering organizations and Chambers.

During a fruitful discussion that followed the participants shared their experience and suggestions for mutual cooperation and joint projects.