The CDCC hosted an online seminar on Dutch tax updates

business people meeting

On 9 March 2023, the CDCC in cooperation with its patron member Taxperience hosted an online tax seminar. As of 1 January 2023, several changes were introduced to Dutch fiscal and tax plans for both individual income taxes as well as corporate taxes and other areas.

During the seminar subject-matter experts from Taxperience guided the participants through the most important updates in the tax plans. The agenda included in particular: “Box 2” taxation covering excessive borrowing for managing directors/major shareholders; “Box 3” taxation focusing on income from savings and investments for resident individuals; 30% ruling; substance requirements for Dutch entities; and transfer pricing requirements for Dutch entities.

The participants could learn from two savvy tax experts who presented at the seminar:

  • Hans de Vries, Tax Partner at Taxperience NV – tax lawyer with over 25 years of experience in expat taxation
  • Maarten van den Beucken, Tax Partner at Taxperience NV – tax lawyer with over 10 years of experience specializing in corporate income tax and (international) tax structuring

“It is important for every entrepreneur and company to stay on top of tax matters. But it is not easy, especially for businesses operating across several countries. This seminar brought very insightful updates on the latest changes in the Dutch tax system. We would like to thank Taxperience for delivering this seminar and sharing their knowledge,” said Katerina Veliskova, Executive Director at CDCC.

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